<\/h5>The AQUA DROPS is<\/em> the ideal inflatable SUP for paddling expeditions weather you\u2019re at the beach, near a river or a lake. The AQUA DROPS<\/em> is the ideal SUP for paddlers who are looking for an adventure. Features single PVC iSUP technology which has been developed to maximize durability and increase air pressure to 15 psi. The inner core is made of nylon drop stitch material and a high pressure chamber of a max pressure 15 psi.<\/p>PACKAGE INCLUDES<\/strong><\/h5>The AQUA DROPS<\/em> comes fully equipped in a convenient back pack with a 3-piece composite paddle, a 9 inches\u2019 single fin, a high pressure pump, a coil leash and a repair kit so you can carry, inflate and paddle with your I-SUP board anywhere anytime. <\/p>CONCAVE <\/strong><\/h5>Flat concave from nose to tail for early planning and maintaining speed. <\/p>
FIN-SET UP<\/strong><\/h5>Thruster convertible fin set for the ultimate glide when surfing or not.<\/p><\/div>\n\n\n\n*\u0397 \u03c4\u03b9\u03bc\u03ae \u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03bb\u03b1\u03bc\u03b2\u03ac\u03bd\u03b5\u03b9 \u03a6\u03a0\u0391 24%<\/span>
*The price includes VAT 24%<\/span>\n\n
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The AQUA DROPS is the ideal inflatable SUP for paddling expeditions weather you’re at the beach, near a river or a lake. The AQUA DROPS is the ideal SUP for paddlers who are looking for an adventure. Features single PVC iSUP technology which has been developed to maximize durability and increase air pressure to 15 psi. The inner core is made of nylon drop stitch material and a high pressure chamber of a max pressure 15 psi.
The AQUA DROPS comes fully equipped in a convenient back pack with a 3-piece composite paddle, a 9 inches’ single fin, a high pressure pump, a coil leash and a repair kit so you can carry, inflate and paddle with your I-SUP board anywhere anytime.
Flat concave from nose to tail for early planning and maintaining speed.
Thruster convertible fin set for the ultimate glide when surfing or not.
*Η τιμή περιλαμβάνει ΦΠΑ 24%*The price includes VAT 24%
Κατηγορία SUP
* Με βάση τη διαμονή στο Greece. Οι φορολογικοί συντελεστές για άλλες χώρες θα υπολογίζονται στο ταμείο. Τιμή χωρίς Φ.Π.Α .: €414.00.